My Week As Rx (Probably Scaled): December 7 – December 13


Snatch Complex
Power snatch + snatch balance + 2 overhead squats – 1 at 50%, 2 at 60%, 2 at 65%, 1 at 70%
Started with a snatch warm up that lasted about 15 minutes before starting this snatch complex. The weights were based off our snatch 1RM. As the weight increased I noticed issues in my form. I didn’t lock out on my power snatch, and I had a small push to lock out. I need to work on dropping into a lower squat on my catch. Other than that, I felt great.WOD

21 – 15 – 9

Box jumps, 24 in,

Power snatch (75 lb.)

Chest to bar pull ups.

My goal for this workout was to finish under 15 minutes. I scaled the weight for the power snatch from 95 lb. to 75 lb. Hopefully the weight drop would be enough. I planned on doing chest to bar pull ups but would probably have to scale later in the workout. The beginning of the workout was good. I went through the box jumps at a good pace and then I reached the power snatches. I was able to break up the snatches into two sets. I could definitely feel the snatch complex catching up to me. The chest to bar pull ups were not great. I broke up all the reps into fives which took a lot of time. I decided to switch to pull ups for the remainder of the workout.

The second round wasn’t any better. I kept a good pace through the box jumps but the snatch and pull ups were slow. At this point I was extremely tired. I split the snatches into fives and the pull ups into threes. I tried to string more together but I couldn’t find a rhythm. The last round was a grind. I was able to make it through the box jumps and went very slow through everything else. I was able to finish the workout in 15:36, short of my goal.


Bench Press – 8×3 at 80% (185 lb.)
Started out the day with bench presses. I was still sore from Tuesdays workout and I was glad the strength portion was bench. The weight was a bit heavy but thankfully it was only three reps. Made it through the workout and started to get ready for the days WOD.
WOD – AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 row (cal)
15 wall balls (20 lb.)
15 American kettlebell swings (54 lb.)
 This workout was a partner WOD. Only one person would work while the other rested. After you complete your movement, your partner will start the next movement and you will go to the following movement. This way, the work would be split evenly and you would have a short rest. I was paired up with someone who was more fit than me. I didn’t want to drag him down so I decided to push myself harder than usual.
The first eight minutes were great. I was transitioning well and I didn’t take extra breaks. I was moving at the same pace as my partner. It was around nine minutes that I began to feel tired. I’m not sure if it was the adrenaline wearing off or if I hit my wall for that workout, but I was starting to take longer breaks. The hardest movements were the row and wall balls. I wasn’t pulling as hard during the row and I wasn’t able to string wall balls easily. I would miss reps and allow the ball to drop which slowed me down. Surprisingly the easiest part of the workout was the kettlebell swings. Even though I was very tired, I managed to do all the reps unbroken. We managed to finish 12 rounds.
Even though working out with a more advanced partner is intimidating, it also helps you in the long run. If I was with someone who was at the same level as myself, I wouldn’t have completed that many rounds. I do well when I’m working out with better people since I push myself harder trying to keep up. I’ll eventually get there, I need to work harder.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!


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