My Week As Rx (Probably Scaled): November 30 – December 6


Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats – 40%, 50%, 60%, 65%, 2 x 70%

Worked off my snatch 1RM. Weights ranged from 45 lb. to 115 lb. Worked on form since the weight was relatively light. I need to work on moving my feet during my snatch balance since my feet do not move wide enough. My overhead squat work was good, I focused on my form and keeping active shoulders and controlling my decent.


Nancy – 20 minute time cap

5 rounds

Run, 400 m

15 overhead squats (95 lb.)

My last attempt at Nancy was 22:34 with the bar at 75 lb. I was going to scale the weight but decided to give it a try. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to finish under 20 minutes but I was going to do my best. My overhead squats have improved and my total weight has gone up the past few months. I was confident I would finish.

My 400 m run was fine but the overhead squats were a bit difficult. I had to break the overhead squats into two sets. The rest of the workout however I was able to do all the reps unbroken. The run gave me the most trouble. My legs felt like jello and I couldn’t keep a quick pace. On the last round, I was barely jogging, it was rough. I managed to finish under time cap with a time of 19:46, a new PR! I was almost three minutes faster and it was done Rx. Even though I came in close to last, I was proud of myself and the progress I made. I did some mobility and called it a day.


Gymnastics Skill Work
Worked on some gymnastics drills. Bridge rocks, Superman Holds and chin over bar holds. We also worked on strict toes to bar and muscle up drills.
WOD – For Time
5 Rounds
7 Toes to bar (unbroken)
21 Kettle bell swings (1.5 pood, unbroken)
penalty for going unbroken 100 m run.
At the beginning of the day I wasn’t feeling it. During the warm up, I was moving very sluggishly. It was a rough day at work and all my energy had been zapped. I almost quit but I decided to push through, at least until after the workout.  After the skill work, I started feeling better. I got a second wind and was ready for the WOD.
The original weight for the kettlebell swings was 2 pood but I knew my grip wouldn’t last that long. I scaled down to 1.5 pood which is more manageable. My goal for this workout was to go unbroken all five rounds. With the scaled kettlebell swings, it would be achievable. Also, I didn’t want to run. I took a good amount of rest in between rounds to regain my grip and to catch my breath. The last round was the biggest challenge. I was barely able to finish the toes to bar and the kettlebell swings because my body was fatigued. I could barely lift my legs on the last toes to bar but I finished. My grip was starting to go around rep 15 on the kettlebell swings, but I pushed through it and finished it unbroken as well. I was very tired but I managed to reach my goal of going unbroken throughout all rounds. I finished the workout in 9:26, next time I hope to do it with a 2 pood kettlebell.


Skill Work
I worked on four movements: double unders, ring dips, pistol squats and hand stand push ups. I have most of these movements down except for pistol squats. I’m able to do them but I still need to work on my left leg. I used a 15 lb. plate as a counter weight to get into a better position on my pistols which worked. It’s a good thing we worked on this skill since our workout included all these.
Double unders
Ring dips
Pistol squats (alternating)
hand stand push ups
I did a lot of reps during the skill work and it showed during the workout. My goal for this workout was to at least do one rep every round. Especially for the ring dips and hand stand push ups. I started out the rounds doing well. During the double unders I would get around 20 – 25 reps but as the rounds went on, I barely made it to 18 reps. I started out the ring dips with four and by the end I was only at one rep. During the beginning rounds of pistols I was able to maintain six to eight reps but that went down to only two. The hand stand push ups were the same as the pistols. I started high and ended up low, finishing with two reps as well.


Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch + 3 Snatch Balance – 35%, 40%, 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%
Worked off our 1RM for percentages. The weights ranged from 45 lb. to 115 lb. The lifts felt good during the entire complex. I didn’t miss any of the reps. I worked on my form for the power snatches and the snatch balance. I need to work on it more during open gym times.
Power snatch (75 lb.)
Before the workout, the coaches said the workout should be under five minutes. The Rx weight was 95 lb. for the snatches, so I decided to scale. My goals for this workout were to finish under five minutes and to be consistent during the burpees. I was able to be consistent on the snatches and the burpees. I had to break up the power snatches during the round of six but I was able to recover and finish everything unbroken. The burpees were not too bad. They were difficult but I pushed my way through it and finished 3:46. I want to redo this workout at 95 lb. to see how long it would take me. I finished the day with 15 minutes of mobility.
Lift Heavy and Level Up!

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