Blog News: 2017 Resolutions

2016 was a great year. I got married, hit some fitness goals and played a lot of games. I have a lot of room to improve and I want to start off the new year right. Below are goals that I want to accomplish.

Blog Goals

I want to write more posts and stay consistent. With the holidays finishing up I will be back to writing more stuff about CrossFit and gaming. I just picked up the new Inov-8 235v2 and will be writing about it soon.

CrossFit Goals

I will write about a few PRs from the holidays but I have a few goals in mind for 2017.
  • 400 lb. back squat
  • 200 lb. snatch
  • 275 lb. clean and jerk
  • Under 5 minute Fran

These are ambitious goals but I know I can do them if I stay consistent.

Gaming Goals

I used to paint my models in pieces but I found that not all models need to be painted this way. I want to play more Warmachine lists but my lack of assembled models is hampering me. My resolution for 2017 is to assemble my easy to paint models and play them while I get them painted. Also, to actually paint more models in 2017! I also want to work on streaming more games I’m playing like Hearthstone and other games on the PS4.

Thanks for reading and be sure to look for more posts in the new year!

Lift Heavy and Level Up!