Hope and JAW Grips

My shoulders are sore after today’s WOD. I managed to RX the weight which is not too heavy. I’m still getting used to the snatch and the lighter weight was great for working on form and technique. Need to focus on opening up my hips and my shrug. I noticed I’m getting a lot better at my pull ups. I’m starting to string together almost ten pull ups before my grip gives out.

JAW hand grips are amazing. I use them for almost every WOD that has bar work. I haven’t had a single tear since. I just add some chalk to these bad boys and away I go. They do not need to be broken in which is a plus over gymnastics grips. If you’re having trouble with hand tearing, try these out. I hate missing a day or two because my hands are torn and now I may not miss another day. I picked these up from Wodshop.com check them out here.

Let me know if you have any questions, leave a comment at the bottom.

Dragon: The April Loot Crate

The twentieth of each month brings childlike excitement. My subscription box called Loot Crate is in the mail and on its way to my mail box. What is Loot Crate you ask? “Loot Crate is the monthly gear and swag club for those that live and embrace the geek and gaming lifestyle”. I love this concept since it makes every month feel like Christmas. The only thing known about the box before it ships is the theme. If you would like to know more about Loot Crate is you can check out the Loot Crate website. On to the LOOT!

I really like this months theme and the contents of this box. The dragon shield screen wiper is something I really need. The “dragon jerky” and dog tags are cool as well. I haven’t tried the jerky yet but I’m sure its going to be good. The D20 foam die is very cool. I may have to use it in a future DnD game. The random item was the Game of Thrones vinyl figure blind box. I pulled Rob Stark. He wasn’t the character I wanted but it’s cool. I also picked up “The Nord” from the elder scrolls series. I think it’s a promo for the upcoming MMORPG set in the Elder Scrolls universe. I can’t wait for next months crate! If you would like to subscribe to Loot Crate, you can use my personal link if you want to subscribe (http://mbsy.co/cQvM)!
Let me know what you think about the blog, leave a comment! Thanks

My first post and it’s a doozy!

Hello everyone! I decided to start a blog that combined two thing I love, CrossFit and nerd anything. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy writing them. Disclaimer: I am a horrible writer and bad with grammar. Hopefully, it will not be painful to read.

April 22, 2014

This is my first time doing a WOD of this type. I barely came under the time cap of 20 minutes. By my fifth round my shoulders were burning and needed a longer rest period. I think I could have been faster with a lighter weight. Hopefully I will be faster the next time we do this WOD. Thanks for checking out this blog. I will have more content soon.